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Profile Pulse Welding with the S74 MPa Plus

Using Profile Pulse settings to change the appearance of the weld bead

Matt Bush avatar
Written by Matt Bush
Updated over a week ago

Wondering how you can get that great TIG appearance on your aluminum welds, well wonder no more. Miller uses Profile Pulse to optimize welding with Aluminum by changing the appearance of the bead to more closely resemble welds performed with GTAW. To do this Miller changes the wire feed speed and power level of the welder at a consistent interval. The results of this will be a weld that looks like this.

Table of Contents

Configuring the Feeder to Enable Profile Pulse

To get started Press and Hold the Setup Key on the feeder until you see the Setup Menu appear, this is the Setup Menu Level 2 in the Miller Manual that came with your system.

Turn the Left Knob to select the menu item PROF.

Then using the Right Knob select YES, this will allow you to access the Profile Pulse settings from the main menu.

Click the Setup button to exit the Setup Menu, Level 2.

Turning Profile Pulse On and Changing Settings

Click the Setup Button to enter the Setup Menu, when you do you will see TRIG STD displayed on the face of the unit.

Using the Left Knob proceed through the menu items until you get to PROF, it will be set to OFF initially.

Using the Right knob select ON.

You can then use the Left Knob to access the menu items for the Profile Pulse Frequency (P.FRQ) and the Profile Pulse Wire Feed Speed (P.WFS). You will use the Right knob to adjust the values of these. The first setting you will encounter is the Profile Pulse frequency (P.FRQ) which is how often the welder will switch from the high pulse setting to the low pulse setting. This is a range from 0-5 pulses per second.

The next setting is the P.WFS

The one difference from the manual because of how the robot controls the wire feeder is you will see the P.WFS displayed as the actual wire feed speed of the background pulse, not a percentage of the foreground pulse wire feed speed as stated in the Miller manual. We generally get best results setting the P.WFS to be about 100 ipm less than the foreground wire feed speed. Meaning if the weld is setup to use 250 ipm of wire feed speed the P.WFS setting would be 150. Unfortunately this is not controllable from the robot so will have to be set manually from the feeder.

Profile Pulse Frequency Settings

The frequency setting of the Profile Pulse determines the pitch of the ripples in the weld and is dependent on how fast the robot is moving through the weld. You can use the simple table below to understand how the settings will affect the appearance of the weld at certain settings

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