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Sharing a File

Learn how to share a file securely with this step by step guide

Zach Boyd avatar
Written by Zach Boyd
Updated over a week ago

Have you ever needed to provide a support file from your robot to a co-worker, distributor, or Universal Robots? With Beacon, sharing files from your cobot to others no longer has to be cumbersome. Once Beacon is installed, all of your files are backed up in real time, allowing you to access the latest version from anywhere. Beacon allows you to share a file using a secure link that auto-expires after seven days so that others can access it. This guide will take you through the steps.

Read to find out how, or jump to a section with these links

Navigate to your robot within Beacon

robot home screen

Open the Configure top tab

robot configure tab

Open Access Robot Files

robot access files

Navigate through the directory structure to your file

By default, two directories are backed up on your robot.

  • Programs directory

    • Contains a list of all the URP files, script files, installation files, etc. and any other file that exist within the directory.

  • Root directory

    • Contains the main log file (log_history.txt), flight reports, and calibration files


Click on the file you would like to share

Once you click on a file all versions of the file will be viewable and you will have the option to share the latest version or a previous version.

Note: When navigating through the directory structure you will see that the icon changes between a file and a directory. Files display with the current size and the last updated date for quick reference while directories do not.

robot file select

Press the share icon next to the version you would like to share

file share press
file share link

That's it! You now have a secure link to your file. You can share directly from within the mobile app using the available options from iOS or Android. If you are on the web then you now have a link on your clipboard that you can paste into an email, text message, or wherever you would like.

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