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Troubleshooting Network Issues

Learn how to diagnose and resolve common issues that cause your robot to be offline

Rob Goldiez avatar
Written by Rob Goldiez
Updated over 5 months ago

Beacon requires your robot to have an internet connection so that you can enjoy all of the benefits of the Beacon platform. Losing your internet connection can be frustrating so we've put together a series of troubleshooting steps to help you resolve the issue quickly to bring your robot back online.

Verify Your Connection to the Beacon Platform

On the teach pendant, navigate to Installation > URCaps > Beacon.

If you see the green network icon labeled "Online" as shown below then your robot is connected to the Beacon platform. Congrats, no further action necessary from this article.

If you see the red network icon labeled "Offline" as shown below then your robot is unable to connect to the Beacon platform. Continue reading this article for things to check.

Check the Robot's Network Cable

Verify that the ethernet cable plugged in to the robot control cabinet is connected, working, and not damaged.

Check the Robot's Time

Verify that the robot's time is accurate. See our How to Set Your Robot's Time article.

Check the Robot's Network Settings

Verify that the robot's network settings are valid. See our Networking Setup article.

Note that a valid network set up does not mean your robot can reach the internet, just that the robot has valid network settings and is connected to some network.

If your robot's networking settings are properly configured and your robot is still not connected to the Beacon platform, contact your IT administrator for further troubleshooting.

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