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Beacon Pro Plan - Team Operator Role
Beacon Pro Plan - Team Operator Role

Learn about the operator role for team members

Neil Spackman avatar
Written by Neil Spackman
Updated over a month ago

This feature is only applicable to customers running an application like Beacon Welding.

The operator role allows a team member to manage a robot’s part playlist and change a part's start position but not change any other settings on the part.


Subscribe to Beacon Pro Plan

The operator role feature is available with a Beacon Pro Plan subscription. Learn more about all the features and benefits of Beacon Pro Plan with a free 30-day trial.

If your organization is not yet subscribed to Beacon Pro Plan, you can request this feature from your billing manager within the app. When accessing a Beacon Pro Plan feature a screen pops up with information about the feature and how to subscribe. Billing managers are shown a link to manage the organization's subscription. Other users are shown a button to request the feature, which sends an email to the billing managers indicating their interest in the feature. You can always reach out to support if you want Beacon Pro Plan and are unsure how to subscribe.

Understand the Operator Role

Beacon comes standard with three team roles: viewer, editor, and manager. These roles control whether a user can view, create, update, or delete robots, charts, parts, playlists and other data that belongs to the team.

In some organizations, an experienced professional configures the part settings and playlists then hands off to another team member the duties of running the robot. This operator may also be an experienced professional, a junior operator, or an intern.

The operator role fulfills the need to empower users to customize the part playlist and start position as needed while ensuring governance and consistency of the part settings themselves.

Manage Team Operators

Assign users the operator role as you would other roles. See Managing Team Members to learn more.

Custom Operator Roles

If you need more fine grained control of your operator's permissions, you may create and manage your own operator roles. You may create as many as needed and assign them to all teams or specify which teams have access.

Creating New Roles

Navigate to Adminland and click "Manage Roles".

Click the blue add button in the bottom right corner.

Give your role a name and specify which teams you would like to assign it to.

By default, roles are available to all teams. You must specify teams if you want to restrict its availability. See Assigning Roles to Teams for more details.

Click "Save" to create your role.

Managing Role Permissions

Once you have a role created, you may select which permissions you want the role to have access to.

You will see that the permissions are separated by category. Once you click a category, you will have a list of permissions to customize.

Newly created roles will have every permission that the standard Operator role contains.

Each permission has a title and a toggle. The title describes the capability and the toggle will determine whether or not it is enable for the role.

Some permissions will only have the toggle. Others will have additional fields to populate before they are usable.

Numeric Permissions

Numeric permission are permissions that allow the operator to make numeric modifications to a value within the Beacon app. Numeric modifications made by a custom role will always be in relation to a value (the base value) set by a Manager or Editor.

When a numeric permission is toggled, two more inputs will be required:

Modification Type: This determines how the value will be applied to some base value.

Amount: This determines how much the user may change a base value by.

Example: Assuming a Manager or Editor set the Travel Speed to a "base value" of 10.

If the Modification Type is set to Number and the Amount is set to 10. A user assigned to this role may change the Travel Speed by +10 or -10. The resulting range is 0 and 20.

If the Modification Type is set to Percentage and the Amount is set to 10. A user assigned to this role may change the Travel Speed by +10% or -10%. The resulting range is 9 and 11.

Editing Existing Roles

Navigate to Adminland and click "Manage Roles".

Select the role you would like to edit.

To update permissions for that role. See Managing Role Permissions for more details.

To update role details such as the name and assigned teams click the three vertical dots in the top right to open details.

You may edit the name or assigned teams and click "Update" to save the changes.

For more details about assigning teams, see Assigning Roles to Teams.

Deleting Roles

Navigate to Adminland and click "Manage Roles".

Select the role you would like to delete.

Click the three vertical dots in the top right to open the Role Details.

Click "Delete Role".

Click "Delete" to confirm the action.

  • Deleting a role is a permanent action. You will have to create a new one if needed.

  • Users assigned to the deleted role will be reassigned to the standard Operator role.

Assigning Roles to Teams

Custom roles are available to all teams by default. To scope the role to specific teams, they need to be specified.

Navigate to the Role Details screen for your role.

If creating a new role, you should already be there. If modifying an existing role, see Edit Existing Role for navigating to the Role Details screen.

When on the Role Details screen, click the "Teams" input item.

Select a team under "Unassigned" to assign it.

To unassign a team, click the team under "Assigned".

Click "Unassign" to confirm.

Assigning Roles to Users

Assign a custom role to a user is the same as assigning any of our standard roles to users. See Managing Team Members for how to make the assignments.

Custom roles will be located at the top of the listed roles and have "(Custom)" as a suffix.

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