Using Beacon Offline

Learn how to run parts with Beacon offline

Neil Spackman avatar
Written by Neil Spackman
Updated over a week ago

Although Beacon operates primarily while the robot is connected to the internet, it is possible to run parts when offline. This article will walk you through the prerequisites and steps to achieve this.

Let's get started


To be able to run parts offline, there are a few things to ensure:

  1. You must at some point in time have had internet connection while creating and running parts.

  2. Your robot is hardwired to your local network.

  3. You will need the robots IP address. See this article, Networking Setup, to learn how to retrieve it.

  4. The device you want to use to setup your playlist is on the same network as the robot and has access to a browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.)

Accessing the Offline Webpage

To manage the playlist and parts to run, open up your device's browser and navigate to http://<robot-ip>:39800/.

You will be taken to a webpage that displays all the parts that are loaded into the robot. If you didn't have a playlist running previously, it will appear similar to this. You'll notice your parts on the left side and empty playlist on the right side.

If you had a playlist loaded, you will see your playlist on the right side populated with the part(s) on the playlist.

Creating a New Playlist

If you would like to create a new playlist, just click on the "Create New Playlist" button on the part you want to start with.

After doing so, a checkmark will show up on the part under the "On Playlist" column and the playlist on the right side will display that part.

Adding a Part to the Playlist

To add a part to the playlist, just click the "Add to Playlist" button on the part you want to add.

The checkmark will show up on the added part and the newly added part will be displayed in order under the "Playlist" on the right side.

Note: You may add the same part multiple times.

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